Interview: ”Seunzzy Sax” Exclusive Interview With Oba Wonder – 247ariya

Seunzzy Sax
Seunzzy Sax

Oyeniyi Micheal Oluwaseun popularly known as Seunzzy sax
is a Nigerian Saxophonist, Musician and philanthropist. In this
interview, he spoke about his career journey, growth and his rise in the
gospel music scene and how he has been able to carve a niche for
himself in the Gospel music industry:

What does your brand represent?
I’m a Saxophonist and a gospel Musician.


What are you working on?
I’m working on quite a number of projects at the moment, and I think the reason people should pay
attention to me is because of the things in stock I intend to unveil soon. Elohim Gadol just launched and It
is mind-blowing, I promise.

Tell us about your career journey…
I grew up in a household that loved music my uncle was a keyboardist and my mum has a pretty good
voice. So one of my childhood memories was once going to a church concert and seeing Mike Aremu
play. From then I started trying to learn how to play like Mike Aremu so I took up classes on learning
how to play the saxophone, my parents saw my passion and then helped fund my move to Isreal. I think
that’s where Seunzzy Sax was born. Seeing the acceptance my music garnered I started putting extra
work to build my brand.

What has helped you in building a healthy relationship with your fans and co gospel musicians?
I think it is understanding and loyalty. These are the things that have kept me in this industry, and it has
sustained my relationship with relevant people like Beejay sax. Arguably, most of the connections I have
today was through him, and it’s all because I’m loyal to him.


How was the experience?
I won’t say it is perfect but I enjoyed starting my own thing and that is what has been keeping me till date.
What challenges do you face in your chosen field?
To be sincere, it has been very challenging meeting with positive and negative-minded people who try to
drag you off your dream lane, people who say all sorts of things to make you believe you can’t do it but
God has been so nice to me. I now see every disappointment as an opportunity to re-strategise.

How do you get your inspiration?
My inspiration comes from my divine revelation from the holy spirit . The inspiration for my song “you
own my life” came from how I was once depressed by people’s words and the state of Nigeria, the
suffering and hardship. You own my life is sincerely dedicated to those people who believe they are
passing through hell and about to give up in life that Gods plan for you supersedes the challenges you are


How would you rate the reception?
I sincerely thank God for the reception because, it has been amazing. I thank God and my fans for
If you are to work with some names here in Nigeria, who and who will you be considering?
Wow! I have a lot of names I will love to work with; Mike Aremu of course, Yemi sax just to mention a

Aside from music, what else do you do?
I am a business man
How would you describe your person?
I think I’ll say Seunzzy Sax is a goal getter. I don’t give up on the things I set out to do. I have also learnt
not to let people’s negative energy get to me.

What advice do you have for other young people?
Do not relent and don’t give up in anything you believe in. Most importantly put your trust in God, He
won’t fail you even if man do.


  1. I love your advice. I’m trying not to relent and I have also put my total trust in God.
    Thanks evangelist Seuzzy sax. The world will hear you. You are not an echo and not just a voice but a major voice

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