Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announces new features on WhatsApp, increases number of users in a group to 512

Mark Zuckerberg has announced new improvements in WhatsApp, increasing the number of participants in a group to 512 It is also expected that the new addition to WhatsApp will also bring people together people will similar interests together WhatsApp has witnessed a series of changes since it was bought by Facebook in 2014 and has been described as the company’s best purchase.

WhatsApp, a social media messaging network, has raised the number of users that may be accommodated in a group to 512. It announced this in a tweet on Thursday, May 5, 2022, nothing it is working on new development to assist organizations and individuals reach their goals via talks.

In 2017, WhatsApp increased the number of participants to 256, which remained constant till the recent update.

“In 2011, we introduced Group Chats, and we haven’t stopped im- proving since. In the coming weeks, we will roll out the ability to share files up to 2GB and add more people to your groups so that you can continue creating and nurturing meaningful private connections”

However, for the increased file sharing size limit, users will now be able to send files up to 2GB in size at once on WhatsApp, which is a massive jump from the previous limit of 100MB. Since April, the feature has been in beta, and it is finally rolling out to users. Meanwhile, the reactions allow users to respond directly to messages on the platform with six emojis, which according to them may increase in the future without crowding the chat with individual replies.

The platform also added another feature that enables participants to add 32 members on a voice call which used to be a maximum of 8. “Now you can put 32 of your favorite people in one voice call. Sharing good news with your whole family means hearing all the joy and laughter in one easy call,” WhatsApp tweeted.



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