Man Makes New Record After Smashing 43 Coconuts With His Head In 60 Seconds (Photos)

A Pakistani man has made his way into the record books by smashing 43 coconuts with his nothing but his head. Rashid Naseem, 30, from Karachi, tore into a batch of fresh coconuts and managed to crack open the lot in 60 seconds. Naseem, who is trained in martial arts, said he had been preparing for the record attempt for over six months.

‘It took a lot of preparation. I had to work hard on my strength because breaking a coconut by head B.utting can be painful,’ said Naseem.

But the record came with a cost. Naseem had to brave through a few injuries during his preparation time a few months ago.

‘Fresh coconuts are hard to break. So when I started my training and began hitting coconuts on my head, I used to get splitting headaches,’ he said. ‘It felt like a dangerous thing to do in the beginning. But with proper training, I was eventually able to strengthen myself enough to do this.’

Last year, he smashed 210 walnuts with his head in one minute. He also claims to be a record holder for crushing the highest number of drink cans.

Naseem, who runs a martial arts training school, says he wants to break more records.

‘I have already attempted five Guinness records. But my aim to make 50 records and make my country proud,’ said Naseem.

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