8 Surest Things You Can Try to Get Your Money Back From MMM Nigeria (Must Read)

It has been panic and complaints since MMM Nigeria resumed on January 13 after a one month break.

The Ponzi scheme has been asking particiP@nts to remain calm and be patient as they will get paid when it is their turn.

Members are scared that they will not get back the money they invested in the scheme. Some are of the opinion that MMM is gone and the hashtag #MMMGone was trending last week.

If you are one of the MMM particiP@nts who desperately want their money back, here is what you can do.


1. Don’t join others to bad-mouth MMM

If you join others to spread negative testimonies about the money doubling scheme, you may never get your money back as people will be scared to provide (PH). You have to say good things about the scheme to lure others and get more members that is if there are still people out there willing to join.

2. Donate more

Some MMM particiP@nts have been suggesting that they mandate anyone that want to GH to first of PH at least 30% of their total mavro (money). Continue providing help of any amount because it counts. This will be very difficult to do because people have not gotten back the one they invested before the crash.

3. Encourage others to join

When new people join and donate to the community, there will be money to pay those who are expecting to get help (GH). If you are discouraging others from joining, how will more money come in? On the other hand, it will be difficult to encourage others to join when the system is not working well and people have not been paid.

4. Encourage others to donate


MMM advises particiP@nts to use spare money. So, if you know anyone with spare money, you can advise them to invest it in the scheme. That way, there will be more money to pay people who are running out of patience waiting to be matched for payment. But, it would be very hard to convince more people to risk their money.

5. Be patient and believe

Clicking the GH B.utton hundred times will not help your situation. Just save yourself the stress and exercise patience for things to start working properly.

6. Pay up you are matched

If you are matched to pay somebody kindly do so, if you do not, people will lose trust in the money doubling scheme. The person you pay today will most likely provide help which will be used to pay someone else. If you PH, somebody is receiving as GH. It is the same when you GH, someone is giving you as PH. If you refuse to pay someone, who will pay you? Give and it shall be given unto you.

7. Do not run away

If you run away to another Ponzi scheme, who will pay you the money you already have invested in MMM?

8. Contact those you paid money into their account for a refund


Fast and pray before you contact them and they might just be willing to refund your money.

All you can do now is be patient and hope things get back to normal.

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